Nicolas Wu
I am a Reader at the Department of Computing, Imperial College London, where I am the Head of the Functional Programming Research Group and also the Senior Tutor for PhD students.
My research interests are centred around programming languages, where I have made advances in applications of category theory for giving the semantics of programs and algorithms. In particular, my recent work has been focused on showing the connections between domain specific languages, algebraic effect handlers, and structured recursion schemes.
Previously I was a Lecturer at the University of Bristol in the Theory and Algorithms group. Before that I was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford, and a Haskell consultant at Well-Typed. I obtained my DPhil from the University of Oxford where I also studied as an undergraduate at Brasenose College.
[ ORCID | Scopus | DBLP | Google Scholar | ACM ]
Program Committees
Scala 2022 | ICFP 2022 | FLOPS 2022 | TFP 2022 (Chair) | POPL 2022 | Haskell 2021 | ESOP 2021 | APLAS 2020 | MSFP 2020 | FLOPS 2020 | ICFP 2019 (ERC) | TFP 2019 | BX 2019 | Haskell 2018 (Chair) | ICFP 2017 | TFP 2017 | IFL 2017 (Chair) | ICFP 2016 (ERC) | TyDe 2016 | MSFP 2016 | IFL 2014
I am the head of the Functional Programming Research Group at Imperial College London:
- Zhixuan Yang PhD Student at Imperial College London
- Donnacha Oisín Kidney PhD Student at Imperial College London
- David Davies PhD Student at Imperial College London
- Omar Tahir PhD Student at Imperial College London
- Dr Marco Paviotti Research Associate, Imperial College London
- Matthew Pickering PhD Student at University of Bristol
- Csongor Kiss PhD Student at Imperial College London
- Jamie Willis PhD Student at Imperial College London
- 2019-2021: EPSRC Grant EP/S028129/1: SCOPE: Scoped Contextual Programming with Effects, PI
- 2019-2022: EPSRC Grant EP/T008911/1: EXHIBIT : Expressive High-Level Languages for Bidirectional Transformations , CI (Wang, PI, University of Bristol)
My publications list can be found on DBLP and Google Scholar.
- 2022-2023: COMP50001 : Design & Analysis of Algorithms
- 2022-2023: COMP40009 : Functional Programming
- 2021-2022: COMP40009 : Concurrency
- 2021-2022: COMP50001 : Design & Analysis of Algorithms
- 2020-2021: COMP50001 : Design & Analysis of Algorithms
- 2019-2020: CO202 : Algorithms II
- 2018-2019: COMS22201 : Language Engineering
- 2018-2019: COMS10006 : Functional Programming
- 2017-2018: COMS22201 : Language Engineering
- 2017-2018: COMS10006 : Functional Programming
- 2016-2017: COMS22201 : Language Engineering
- 2016-2017: COMS10002 : Programming and Algorithms I
- 2015-2016: COMS10001 : Programming and Algorithms II
- 2015-2016: COMS10002 : Programming and Algorithms I
- 2014-2015: COMS10001 : Programming and Algorithms II